My public events:
31.10.2018 - 19.00h
Storywalk Halloween Special - Ihlwald Forrest Bad Segeberg
Some ghosts haunt us, some give us a hand. They are scary or helpful. Find out what ghosts we will meet this night in tales and stories. Reservations under phone 0170-555 03 28 oder
25.10.2018 - 19.00h
LifeLuck and HeartHappiness - KIS Bad Segeberg - Bürgersaal
19.10.2018 - 19.30h
The devil inside - Segeberger Klinik, Seminarraum 1
The devil lies in the detail as they say. Sometimes it hides where we don´t expect it and sometimes he needs to be tricked. Dark tales of old. Nothing for the faint hearted! Free entry!
30.09.2018 - 12.30h
Storywalk at the Muggesfelder Wald - Meetingpoint Gut Muggesfelde
SE-KULTURTAGE KulturDorf Nehms
Heroes and adventures come to live in the beautiful forest of Muggesfelde. Travel trough enchanted Kingdoms and meet tales from far far away. Free entry!
27.07.2018 - 14.00h - 15.30h und
11.08.2018 - 13.00h - 14.30h
Eutiner Festspiele - Story-Theater with Kamishibai (Workshop)
Tales and stories with Kamishibai. After that you can create your on little story-theater, paint your story and learn how to tell it.
20.07.2018 - 19.30h
Northern Lights - Segeberger Klinik, Seminarraum 1
Stories from the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and Scotland
Listen to tales of old, meet magical creatures under water and dive into various adventures.
06.07.2018 - 19.30h
BEtween Heaven and Earth - Evening Event in a Garden in Bad Segeberg
The magical Garden becomes the stage and tales and stories come to live in between flower beds and trees. Reservations at Buch am Markt, Tel.: 04551 - 9996505.
29.06.2018 - ab 12.00h
Eutiner Festspiele - Tag der offenen Tür Opernscheune Eutin
16.06.2018 - 11,00h - 16.00h
Open Garden day
11.05.2018 - 19.30h
Tales of Luck and Fortune - Segeberger Kliniken, Seminarraum 1
Stories of luck and happiness and how to find it.
21.03.2018 - 19.00h
Stories on the palte - Café-Restaurant Himmel und Erde in Itzehoe
It´s the 15th World Storytelling Day so tales and stories are on the menue!
VVK € 9,00 / AK € 10,00
02.02.2018 - 19.30h
All good things come in three - Segeberger Klinik, Seminarraum 1
Three wishes, three trials, three guys. three times beneath the earth, three tasks and three fat lies. Free entry!
27.01.2018 - 19.00h
Art Festival Glasau - Schützenhaus Sarau
Tales and Stories from near and far.
15.01.2018 - every Monday from 4.30pm - 6.00pm
Wortweber - Creatrive Writing Workshop for Teenagers
Find your way into writing a story. Experience different exercises which give you
inspiration and ideas for tales, stories, poems or whatever dwells inside of you and
has been waiting to find its way onto paper. Find exchange and inspirations in the group as well as projects we work on together. A workshop for teenagers starting age 13. Submit at www.vjka.de
05.01.2018 - 19.00h
"Rauhnacht-Stories" - Café Kunterbunt in Steinbek
Enjoy a hot spiced wine next to the cosy fireplace and listen to tales of long long ago in the charming Café Kunterbunt in Steinbek, just 6km outside of Bad Segeberg.
Tickets AS € 8,00 /BO € 9,00
08.12.2017 - 19.30h
Wintertales - Segeberger Klinik, Seminarraum 1
Magical stories around winter and all that belongs to it. Including chills, meet & greet with Father Frost and a delightful snow flurry. Free entry!
06.10.2017 - 19.30h
Laughter is an instant vacation - Segeberger Klinik, Seminarraum 1
Funny medley of tales and stories from here and everywhere. Be sure to get a good laugh here. Free Entry.
02.10.2017 - every Monday from 4.30pm - 6.00pm
Wortweber - Creatrive Writing Workshop for Teenagers
Find your way into writing a story. Experience different exercises which give you
inspiration and ideas for tales, stories, poems or whatever dwells inside of you and
has been waiting to find its way onto paper. Find exchange and inspirations in the group as well as projects we work on together. A workshop for teenagers starting age 13. Submit at www.vjka.de
22.09.2017 - 18.00h - 21.30h und 23.09.2017 - 9.00h - 18.00h
Once upon a time - An Intro to storytelling
Kulturakademie Segeberg www.vjka.de
28.04.2017 - six evenings every Friday at 5.30pm - 7.00pm
Creative Writing Workshop BAD SEGEBERG - via WortemitFlügeln
Start date for a class of 6 evenings. Find your way into writing a story. Experience different exercises which give you inspiration and ideas for tales, stories, poems or whatever dwells inside of you and has been waiting to find its way onto paper. Feedback and brainstorming with others included. submission at
15.04.2017 - 15.00h
Make a wish tales - Hotel Hohe Wacht / Hohwacht
Watchout what you are wishing for. Storys of smart and not so very smart wishes. Tales full of joy and laugther and a guide to finding happiness.
10.03.2017 - 19.30h
Spirit of Scotland - Segeberger Klinik, Seminarraum 1
Long forgotten tales and mysterious legends of Scotland bearing the spirit of old
traditions and the warmth of a cosy fireside. Free entry.
06.03.2017 - 4.30pm - 6.00pm
Wortweber - Creatrive Writing Workshop for Teenagers
Find your way into writing a story. Experience different exercises which give you
inspiration and ideas for tales, stories, poems or whatever dwells inside of you and
has been waiting to find its way onto paper. Find exchange and inspirations in the group as well as projects we work on together. A workshop for teenagers starting age 13. Submit at www.vjka.de
06.03.2017 - 15.00h - 16.00h
Wortwichtel Story Factory
Submit at www.vjka.de
08.03.2017 - 6.00pm -7.30pm
Sneak peak Creative Writing Workshop - VHS Trappenkamp
Find your way into writing a story. Experience different exercises which give you
inspiration and ideas for tales, stories, poems or whatever dwells inside of you and
has been waiting to find its way onto paper. Feedback and brainstorming with others included.
Submission via VHS Trappenkamp
03.02.2017 - 5.30pm -7.00pm
Creative Writing Workshop BAD SEGEBERG - via WortemitFlügeln
Start date for a class of 6 evenings. Find your way into writing a story. Experience different exercises which give you inspiration and ideas for tales, stories, poems or whatever dwells inside of you and has been waiting to find its way onto paper. Feedback and brainstorming with others included.
submission at
25.11.2016 - 7.30h
Make a wish - Segeberger Klinik, Seminarraum 1
May all your wishes come true. But be careful, what you wish for. Tales of smart wishes and such which had better been unspoken.
07.10.2016 - 5.30pm - 7.00pm
Creative Writing Workshop IV - vhs Bad Segeberg class # GG2736
Start date for a class of 6 evenings. Find your way into writing a story. Experience different exercises which give you inspiration and ideas for tales, stories, poems or whatever dwells inside of you and has been waiting to find its way onto paper. Feedback and brainstorming with others included. For informatins please look at www.vhssegeberg.de
27.09.2016 - 9.30am - 5.00pm
Taste the tale - Stimulating senses and physical abilities of children with fairy tale games
VHS Class - KiTa Weiterbildungsprogramm, vhs Bas Segeberg
Class # GG5030 - For details and further information go to www.vhssegeberg.de
23.09.2016 - 7.00pm
Tales and Stories of the Creative Writting Workshop
Studio of the vhs Segeberg, Lübecker Str. 10a, Bad Segeberg
The members of the creative writting workshop welcome you at the studio of the vhs Segeberg. Enjoy the work of various writers combined in a wild, humorous, creative and breathtaking programme. Your chance on a sneak-peek to the creative writing class that starts again on Oktober 7th. Entry is free.
12.08.2016 - 8.00pm
Storywalk in the Woods
In the Ihlwald and at the river Trave in Bad Segeberg you will listen to exciting adventures and tales of the bravest heroes of all times. For informations and tickets call ph.: 04551 - 99 38 78. Ticket reservation until 9th August 2016!
18.06.2016 - 7.00pm
Storywalk in the Woods "Adventures Between Heaven And Hell"
In the beautiful Ihlwald scenery in Bad Segeberg you will listen to tales so old, they have been brewed in hell, and to stories that will lift you up to heaven. Informations and tickets under ph.: 04551 - 99 38 78
22.05.2016 - 11.00am + 12.00am (Noon)
Story Walk in the Youth Hostel in Lübeck
For the HanseKulturFestival the Youth Hostel of Lübeck arranges an open-door day and invites families and friends to get a sneak peek of a stay in the house. Tales will be cooked up by the oven in the kitchen, sleeping beauties will await us in the bedroom and magic stories will be brought to life in the convention hall.
13.05.2016 - 5.30pm - 7.00pm
Creative Writing Workshop III - vhs Bad Segeberg
Start date for a class of 6 evenings. Find your way into writing a story. Experience different exercises which give you
inspiration and ideas for tales, stories, poems or whatever dwells inside of you and
has been waiting to find its way onto paper. Feedback and brainstorming with others included. For informatins please look at www.vhssegeberg.de
19.04.2016 - 9.30am - 5.00pm
Creative use of fairy tales in migration work in childcare
VHS Class - KiTa Weiterbildungsprogramm, vhs Bas Segeberg
Class # FF5030 - For details and further information go to www.vhssegeberg.de
27.03.2016 - 4.00pm
Mutaboor - Stories of transformation and new beginnings
Hotel Hohe Wacht, Hohwacht
From Orient to beautiful Schleswig-Holstein in Germany - tales and stories will take
you on a magical journey. Witness the transformation of a hero, find the new in the
old, learn to see with different eyes. Moments of truth, wisdom and colourful inner pictures.
08.03.2016 -7.30pm
Happy tales and stories
Segeberger Kliniken, Seminarraum 1 - Free entry
Tales of joy, fun and happiness. Amusing, with a lightness of heart and lots of humor.
29.01.2016 - 5.30pm - 7.00pm
Creative Writing Workshop II - vhs Bad Segeberg
Find your way into writing a story. Experience different exercises which give you
inspiration and ideas for tales, stories, poems or whatever dwells inside of you and
has been waiting to find its way onto paper. Feedback and brainstorming with others included.
12.01.2016 - 7.30pm
Tales of Luck and Fortune
Segeberger Kliniken, Seminarraum 1
Stories of luck and happiness and how to find it.
03.01.2016 - 5.00pm - 6.30pm
Stories and tales about "Rauhnacht"
Erlebnisschmiede Trappenkamp
13.12.2015 - 11.30h
Duck Menu and winterly tales at Kuhlounge of the Küchenperle
Delicious Duck Menu with lovely side dishes. Followed by heartwarming tales and stories of winter, christmas and seasons spirit. A splendid cake buffet will round up the day. Tickets € 32,00 per person. For Reservations please call T 04326-715. Location: Küchenperle, Eichholz 11, 24601 Ruhwinkel-Bockhorn. www.kuechenperle.de
30.10.2015 - 19.00h
Murder by the fireside - Hotel Hohe Wacht
All Hallows Eve is near. So gather around the fire place, meet famous murderers, watch creatures of the dark come to life. Spooky tales, songs of old and stories with charme and humor will shorten the night and make you shiver. The hotels chef will spoil you with soup and snacks for the night.
28.09.2015 - 19.00h
Have you heard? Telling the inside stories and tales of old (SE-Kulturtage)
Petra Albersmann und Svenja Krüger will tell tales and stories at the furniture store ""Wohngefühl" in Klein Rönnau. A mix of storytelling, anecdotes, song and puppet show. A night of fun, magic, laughter and inside wisdom. Enjoy!
25.09.2015 - 5.30pm - 7.00pm
Creative Writers Workshop
Thriller, short stories or better some poems? Here you will find inspiration, interaction and interesting new ways to tales and stories. Find the writer inside and explore different methods to invent a story.
19.09.2015 - 7.00pm
TIMBER - Wort fällt! (SE-Kulturtage)
In one of the Jorkisch storage buildings stories and tales will come to live this evening. Enjoy cultural entertainment in an out-of-place location. Remember to bring warm clothes, for the building can not be heated.
12.09.2015 - 3.00pm - 6.00pm
Opening Event for the SE-KulturTage 2015 in Bad Bramstedt
Exhibition and stage event with artists and participants
05.06.2015 - 3.00pm
Summer Festival Jugendakademie Bad Segeberg
Tales and stories in the theatre for young and old.
29.05.2015 - 8.00pm
Storywalk in the Ihlwald Forrest
Stories from near and far, from head to toe, heaven and earth. Listen to stories in the forrest by the moonlight. Informations and tickets under ph.: 04551 - 99 38 78
12.03.2015 - 7.30pm
Northern Lights - Sories from the North Sea, the Baltic Sea and Scotland
Lebens-Kultur, in Kisdorf
Listen to tales of old, meet magical creatures under water and dive into various adventures.
tickets: T 04193-9662984 oder
13.12.2014 - 4.30pm and 5.30pm
14.12.2014 - 2.00pm and 4.00pm
Country goes Christmas - Christmas Market at the Kalkberg
Stories and tales of old for the wee ones and the entire family at the Nebraskahouse.
07.12.2014 - 2.30pm - 5.30pm
Tales and Stories at Hörgeräte Zacho in Rellingen
Tales and stories for children and the entire family will come to live at the cosy shop that is turned into a fairytale hut for a day. Come one, come all!
30.11.2014 - 3.00pm and 4.00pm
Adventsmarket in Schlammersdorf/Seedorf
Magic tales and long forgotten stories will be told at the Adventsmarket. In the magical story hut adventures, heros and dangerous tasks and quests will take you into time of old.
31.10.2014 - 7.30pm
Night of the Ghosts - Storywalk Halloween Special
Some haunt us, some give us a hand. They are scary or helpful. Find out what ghosts we will meet this night in tales and stories. Reservations under phone 04551 - 99 38 78
17.10.2014 - 9.30pm till Midnight
Moonlight Walk - Midnight Stories
Tales in the dark, stories beneath the star filled sky. Wandering in the woods, the Ihlwald Forest in Bad Segeberg, and listening to stories of old times. Brave heroes meet magical folk. Further informations and tickets under ph. 04551 - 99 38 78
26.09.2014 - 8.00pm
Wisdom in a Cup of Soup - Reithingers Coffee Barn, Asheide 6, Seedorf/Hornsdorf
Listen to tales of old, songs and stories from the North and Schleswig-Holstein. Enjoy the comfy atmosphere of the coffee barn, a cup of soup for starters and a small dinner plate in between. Tickets € 17,50, tickets available under T 04555 - 647
22.07.2014 - 7.30pm
Alike and Afar - Tales and Stories from Europe
Storytelling in English
During the European People Festival here in Bad Segeberg you can listen to tales and stories from all around Europe. Here and there they are so much alike. There and elsewhere they are very different. Enjoy an evening in comfy atmosphere with international folk and friends at `Kalkberg Kaffee´, Hamburger str. 66, Bad Segeberg. www.kalkbergkaffee.de
12.07.2014 - 7.30pm
Moonlight Walk - Crime Scene
We are strolling through town and stop at different places to listen to murderous tales and grim stories of old. Not for the faint-hearted. Crime Scene: Bad Segeberg
01.06.2014 - 3.00pm
Storywalk for the wee ones at the Ihlwald Forest in Bad Segeberg
Tales and stories of the Brothers Grimm come to life in the middle of the idyllic green of the beautiful Ihlwald Forest. Known and unknown fairy tales for children age 4+ accompanied by their parents. An afternoon of family fun outdoors. Duration is 1,5 hours in total. For reservations and further informations please contact Svenja Krüger T04551 - 99 38 78
19.02.2014 - 10.00am
further dates: 05.03.2014 / 12.03.2014 / 26.03.2014 / 16.04.2014
and 21.05.2014, at 10.00am
Odysseus on the Ilse of Fairy Tales - Children´s Theater Hoheluftschiff in Hamburg
Odysseus arrives on the isle of fairy tales ruled by the evil witch Kirke. Odysseus men
are turned into pigs by her and now he has to face three challenges to free his friends
from the evil charm. Who can help him and what role plays the Hermes Courier in
all this?
for children age 4+
14. and 15.12.2013
Country goes Christmas in Bad Segeberg
Tales and stories of old, told in the magic Nebraska House. Saturday 14.12. at 2.30pm and 4.30pm.
Sunday 15.12. at 2.00pm and 4.00pm
08.12.2013 - 2.30pm to 5.30pm
Tales for Kids - Hörgeräte Zache in Rellingen
Listen to fairy tales and stories and enjoy creating your own christmas decoration, painting and handcrafting.
07.12.2013 - 3.30pm (kids) and 5.00pm (adults)
Paintings tell a Story - Svenja Krüger tells tales to the paintings of the artist Nine Winderlich
This day the paintings of Nine Winderlich´s art exhibition at the Bildungswerk in Bad Segeberg will come to life. I tell tales and stories to various pieces of art work of the wonderful artist. Colourful magic and painted dreams await you!
20.09.2012 - 19.30h
Better Crack Club in Glasgow
Tellers from all around gather for an evening of yarn spinning, tale weaving and sharing stories of magic and adventure!
11.09.2013 - 7.30pm
Café Voices at the Scottish Storytelling Centre in Edinburgh - "Winners and Losers"
Tales, Stories and Music from various tellers and artists. A fun evening guaranteed!
21.07.2013 - 8.00pm
Storywalk by Moonlight (for adults and 14+)
In Segebergs Nature we will walk to enchanted places and you can enjoy tales and stories of old. How did the moon get into the sky? Who weaves the silvery dress of the moon? These and more stories to come - experience a magical evening by the soft moonlight.
For ticket reservation please call 04551 - 993878. The meeting point will then be announced.
16.06.2013 - all day
Folk Tales and Stories at Loch Leven
Spend the day out in nature listening to three wonderful storytellers. In front of the amazing setting of Loch Leven tales and stories of old come to live again. A great family adventure!
14.06.2013 - 7.30pm
Burgh Blatherers at the Waverly Bar in Edinburgh
"Dangerous Journeys and Adventures" - Listen to tales and stories of olden times. Join in, sing along, tell a story or just dive into breath taking adventures. Every thing is possible here.
12.06.2013 - 7.30pm
Café Voices at the Scottish Storytelling Centre
Stories, legends, tales and musik, performed by various Storytellers from here and afar.
08.06.2013 - 11.00am and 3.00pm
Taste the Tale and Smell the Story - Storytelling Center Edinburgh, Scotland
Experience the magical world of the Brothers Grimm. Find out that tales may taste like the sweetest honey, smell like beautiful roses or fell as soft as a feather. Tell and sing along and prepare yourself for wonderful adventures.
Interactive programme for kids starting age 4.
07.06.2013 - 7.00pm
The Scottish Grimm Connection presents: "Alike and Afar"
Netherbow Theatre, Scottish Storytelling Centre, Edinburgh, Scotland
Experience long lost scottish folktales and get to know the hidden Grimms when scottish storyteller Calum Lykan an I live to tell the tale.
07.06.2013 - 9.00am - 10.00am
Live on Radio - Black Diamond FM
19.05.2013 - 5.00pm
Storywalk with Rumpelstilskin and Sleeping Beauty
Center Parcs Bispinger Heide
05.05.2013 - 3.00pm and 4.00pm
Stories at the Café Schafskelte, Berlin Seedorf - Saisoneröffnung
Enjoy scottish tales and round them up with delicious cakes and coffee
04.05.2013 - 8.00pm
"Northern Lights" at the Firehouse in Klein Gladebrügge
Stories from the north and celtic tales. Witty and funny; magic and weird; far away and still so close. Simple `unmissable´.
31.03.2013 - 7.00pm Storywalks for Easter
Center Parcs Bispinger Heide
The torches light the way while we wander around the lake listeing to stories and tales from olden times.
15.02.2013 - 7.00pm Tellebration at the Offener Kanal Lübeck
Kanalstr. 42-48, Lübeck
10.02.2013 - 3.30pm - 4.30pm
Live on Radio - Black Diamond FM
Community Radio for Midlothian - Scotland
Interview and Storytelling
08.02.2013 - 7.30pm
A Night of Storytelling - Burgh Blatherers Storytelling Group in Edinburgh
Waverley Bar - Edinburgh, Schottland
Traditional Folk and Fairy Tales
30.01.2013- 10.00am und 02.02.2013 - 4.00pm
Anansis Treasure Chest - HoheLuftschiff Childrens Theatre in Hamburg
How does Anansi get the treasure chest of the Sky God Nyami that contains all the tales and stories of the world? And what are the stoires about?
For details see www.theaterzeppelin.de
15. und 16.12.2012
Country goes Christmas in Bad Segeberg
Stories and fairy tales for young and old at the Festival tent.
11.12.2012 - 3.00pm / 4.00pm / 5.00pm
Christmas Stage at the Herold Center Mall in Norderstedt
Tales and stories from all around the world for children and families
09.12.2012 - 2.30pm - 5.30pm
Story Day - Hörgeräte Zacho in Rellingen
24.11.2012 - 7.30pm
Tales of the long Winter - Café Schafskelte in Seedorf /Berlin
Stories fitting the dark and winterly season in combination with scottish morsels and a compfy ambiece. Relax, listen, enjoy.
16.11.2012 - 7.00pm
Storytelling supper at the Markthalle in Bad Segeberg
Storytelling in between courses. Delicious food and tales from here and there.
14.11.2012 - 10.00am and 17.11.2012 - 4.00pm
Grimms Anniversary Tales at the HoheLuftschiff in Hamburg
for the Hamburg Story Days
04.11.2012 - 15.30h
Schleswiger Storytelling Festival - Story Factory with Brothers Grimm
We create our very own story with the well-known characters of the Grimm tales. What happens when Rapunzel and Cinderella meet in a story? Or the Bremen Town Musicians wake up Sleeping Beauty? It might be that Hansel and Gretel join Little Red Cap on her quest to chase the Frogking to become a princess. Just imagine!
For details see www.schleswiger-maerchentage.de
19. - 28.10.2012 - Scottish International Storytelling Festival 2012
Once upon a story - Folktales of Old Europe
Storyteller from all around the world meet here to share their tales and stories. In the year of the Brothers Grimm Anniversary (200 years) storytellers from Germany come to share there favourite Grimm tales. At the festival I am going to tell my favourite Grimm stories for yound and old, children, families and adults.
For details see www.scottishstorytellingcenter.co.uk
01. and 02.10.2012 - 9.00am - 4.30pm
Advanced Training - Workshop for Nursery Teachers
at the Adult Education Centre in Segeberg
2 days workshop "Use storytelling to support creativity and language skills" - Kurs No. Y5053
16.09.2012 - 3.30 pm- 5.30pm
Story Walk in the Woods - Ihlwald Bad Segeberg
12.08.2012 - 10.30am - 10.00pm
Spirit of Scotland Festival- Discover Scotland!
At this special event you can discover Scotlands beauties. Delicious, magic, special and anything in between. Travel for a day to the land of old traditions and experience tales and celtic music at the Céilidh in the evening. Details and tickets: KulturHof Otto Flath.
08.07.2012 - 6.30p,
Storytelling at the Beach - Ilse of Poel
"Good Night Stories"
07.07.2012 - 8.00pm
Storytelling at the Café Frieda - Isle of Poel
"Northern Lights"
06.07.2012 - 8.00pm
Storytelling at the Beach - Ilse of Poel
"Between Heaven and Earth"
24.06.2012 - 3.30pm -5.30pm
Story Walk in the Woods - Ihlwald Bad Segeberg
15.06.2012 - 7.30pm
Gong Stories - Storytelling and the sound of the Gong at the Segeberger lake
Here you find stories and tales in between the beautifula nd artistic Musik of the Gong.
Svenja Krüger telling tales from the sea and Stefan Thießen playing the artful and ancient instrument.
25.05.2012 - 10.00am - 3.30pm
Advanced Training - Workshop for Nursery Teachers at the Adult Education Centre in Segeberg
Involving tales and stories at the Nursery- Kurs No. X5055
20.05.2012 - 3.30pm
Story Walk around the Lake in Bad Segeberg
19.05.2012 - 8.00pm
Long Night of Stories at the Alt-Segeberger Bürgerhaus
in honour of the 35. International Museums Day
07.04.2012 - 3.30pm
Story Walk around the lake in Bad Segeberg
04.04.2012 - 8.00pm
Theaterclub Altona in Hamburg
24.03.2012 - 10.00am till 4.30pm
The Magic of "Once upon a time" - Workshop for adults
KulturHof Otto Flath, Bad Segeberg
Learn about fairy tales and starting with storytelling
08.02.2012 - 10.00am
Tales of the Magic Forrest at the Childrens Theatre Zeppelin - HoheLuftschiff
01.02.2012 - 7.00pm
Storytelling Event Programme Release of the Adult Education Centre 2012 in Leezen
22.12.2011 - 3.00pm - 6.00pm
Childrens-Advent-Fun at dodenhof Kaltenkirchen
18.12.2011 - 2.00pm und 3.30pm
Christmas Market at the Childrens Hospital Wilhelmstift in Hamburg
11.12.2011 - Afternoon Sessions
Christmas Market in Glückstadt
10.12.2011 - starting at 2.00pm
International Day of Human Rights - Amnesty International Veranstaltung
at the Villa Flath in Bad Segeberg
08. and 19.12.2011 - 4.00pm / 5.00pm / 6.00pm
Christmas Stage of the Herold Center Mall in Norderstedt
"Winterwhite Stories before Christmas"
04.12.2011 - 2.30pm - 5.30pm
Story day for Children - Hörgeräte Zacho in Rellingen
08. and 15.11.2011 - 3.00pm till 4.30pm
Kamishibai workshop for kids - Kunstspeicher Bad Segeberg
children age 6 -8
27.09. and 04.10.2011 - 3.00pm till 4.30pm
Märchen Memory - Kunstspeicher Bad Segeberg
25.09.2011 (11.00am) and 28.09.2011 (10.00am)
Childrens Theatre Zeppelin - HoheLuftschiff
EARTH ELEMENTS- Workshop for children age 4+
21.06.2011 - 10.00am - 11.00am
EARTH workshop at the HoheLuftschiff
for children age 4+
19.06.2011 - 3.00pm and 5.00pm
JugendAkademie Segeberg - Open doors Family Day
02.06.2011 - 8.00pm
Storytelling "Stage Diven" at the BKA Theatre in Berlin-Kreuzberg
Varieté-Theater-Comedy-Mix-Show ith different female artists
For details see www.stagediven.de
22.05.2011 - 11.00am
Taste the Tale and Smell the Story
at the HoheLuftschiff of the Childrens Theatre Zeppelin
Details and tickets: www.theaterzeppelin.de
21.05.2011 - 8.00pm
"Why the Sea water is that salty"
Tales and stories of the North Sea and Baltic Sea at the Kulturhaus Remise in Bad Segeberg framed by the skulptures of the artist Martin Lichtmann.
For details see www.vjka.de/remise_Veranstaltungen
20.02.2011 - 11.00am
Storytime at the "Wurzelklauber"
at the HoheLuftschiff of the Childrens Theatre Zeppelin
Stories and tales for the entire family.
16.02.2011 - 10.45am
Taste the Tale and Smell the Story
at the HoheLuftschiff of the Childrens Theatre Zeppelin
for children age 3+
22.12.2010 - 4.30pm/5.30pm/6.30pm
Christmas Stage at the Herold Center Mall in Norderstedt
11.12.2010 - 4.00pm und 12.12.2010 - 4.30pm
Country goes Christmas - Christmas Market at the Kalkberg in Segeberg
10.12.2010 - 4.30pm/5.30pm/6.30pm
Christmas Stage at the Herold Center Mall in Norderstedt
05.12.2010 - 2.00pm-5.00pm
Storyday for Children in Rellingen
19.11.2010 - 8.00pm
Theaterclub Altona in Hamburg
Theaterclub Special
02. - 18.08.2010
Ferienprojekt "Märchenphantasien" on the Cap San Diego at the Hamburg Harbour.